Thursday, August 11, 2011

Like a quicksand

The other day while I was accompanying my mother at the workshop to fix the broken driver's seat, we had a rather interesting 'conversation' about the human facade, money, my future and other rants about our lives. I was comparing other people and how they seem to be much more stable and unburdened and well, almost perfect while there we were, stuck in a quagmire of conundrums.

"Yes, they seem perfect on the outside. But do you know of their problems? No. People put on this facade to the world to show others they are all fine and dandy when in fact their problems pile up a mountain. Everything comes with a price, your Facebook pictures tell the world how rich you are or how happy your family seems to be, but you've trouble with the law (and obviously you don't advertise it on social networks), for example. It's one way or another."

Those are some of the things that she said that made me think hard that day. My every day influences by the media have clouded my perception on the reality of how people, including me, take things for granted and more so the value of the things that we're unappreciative of. Things seem so perfect in movies and TV series, yes even when there are aliens invading the planet to end the human population wtf, but that's beside the point.

I try to be appreciative of the things I have because I know, there are people who are having it way, way worse than I am. But I tend to also think that, different circumstances call for different reactions. It's not a bad thing to dream, is it? Wishful thinking..

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