Friday, October 14, 2011

I need to get myself a planner. Because an iPhone is out of my budget now. Ha.

I've been doing several freelance work, but none that really interests me as a designer/illustrator. I see them as a means of bringing in some much needed cash. Hey, sellout!

Slowly pacing on my personal projects, I'm hoping to redefine my portfolio to get a permanent job somewhere in KL. I wish to intern somewhere but not having the convenience of travelling here and there via myself is such a drag.

Sometimes I wish I had to try less. To put in less effort because I want to know my standing in a situation. I don't want to be the doormat and yet I don't want to keep pushing others into doing something.

I'm starting to sound bored. Because I am. ._.

Convocation is happening in 2 weeks. I'm going because I've already paid for it. Too bad I won't be wearing a mortar board :( What's graduation without them square hats?!

But I can wear a robe and pretend I'm attending Hogwarts wtf.

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